Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spring Fever

Spring this year in Utah has been AMAZING to say the least.  It has been so warm this year and we are taking advantage.
Andy is about half way through his spring semester of school.  It is a quick 6 week semester but we are glad to get as much school in so we can be done!  He is enjoying his construction management program and seems to be doing super well.  He has a big advantage over the other students in the program because he has been around construction his whole life and has worked on job sites for almost 6 years now.  Andy works so hard in balancing work, school and a needy wife.  I’m so proud of him and all the responsibilities he takes care of on a weekly basis. 
We have been having many adventures with our roomie, our child, our third wheel or you can just call him our cousin.  Scott lives above us in his parents town home in Farmington.  We love having someone to play with when we are feeling bored.  We have our Wednesday line up on T.V. every week, Sunday morning breakfasts and weekend adventures.  He is so much fun and we love getting to live so close to family (literally).
Here are some pictures of what we’ve been up to.  Overall we are enjoying life right now and are working hard like always.  We are so excited for summer to come around and are looking forward to yet another school year!
We flew kits after church a few weeks ago.  Any gave me these kites as part of my valentines present and we FINALLY got to fly them.
Last Week we made pin hole projectors to watch the solar eclipse.  Here is Andy and Scott.DSCN0656

Sunday night watching the eclipse.

We ultimately just watched it through this telescope.  It was soooooo cool. DSCN0670
Yesterday we went the the Kennecot copper mine visitors center with Andy’s cousin Matt and his wife Maren.  This is the largest man made hole and can be seen from SPACE!!!! 
This is just one of eight tiers used for their monstrous trucks to hull the copper away in.  One tire costs $25,000 and will only last 9 months. 
We discovered the UP house.  It is like having a little piece of Disney Land here in Utah.  I loved it! 


  1. You guys always have so much fun! I love your cute colorful skinny pants! I am sooo excited to hang out with you next month! Its been way too long!

  2. Looks like you are having fun! You have to take me to the UP house!

  3. I'm so glad you explained it on your blog! I was looking at your pictures on FB and wondering what a canyon (hole) a giant tire and a darling UP house had in common:) Looks like a great adventure! Wish we lived closer:(
