Tuesday, February 7, 2012



I’m feeling particularly motivated to take a minute and brag about this amazing man!

Andy is my best friend and greatest motivation.  Something I’ve admired about my husband is his great work ethic.  Andy balances both work and school while faithfully fulfilling his church callings as a ward missionary and an excellent home teacher.  His responsibilities in all these areas keep him super busy, calling for some early mornings and very late nights.  Andy is super smart and is diligent in spending hours of studying for tests and quizzes.  He even finds time in his day to help rotate the laundry and start dinner on nights I work late.  What a man! 

I look forward to watch him graduate and start his career.  He works hard to help secure a future for our family.  Andy teaches me each day through is example of hard work and selfless service.  He loves his family and tells me often how excited he is to become a father.  I know he will be the best dad as he is the greatest husband.  My life changed forever when I met Andy.  He brings out the best in me and continues to keep me in check.  His faith helps keep the spirit strong in our home.  I’m so proud of him and all his accomplishments.  He is the love of my life and I feel so blessed to call him mine! 

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